Alexa N Castellano
Business Name
Fitzsimmons, Hewitt, & Cain, P.A.
Business Phone Number
(813) 2210200
Elise Winters
Business Name
Elise K. Winters, P.A.
Business Phone Number
(727) 442-3888
James Thaler
Business Name
Thaler Law Firm
Business Phone Number
(727) 347-7788
Joelle Bordeaux
Business Name
Englander Fischer
Area of Practice
Kathryn J. Copeland
Business Name
Englander Fischer
After practicing for 7 years in the areas of family law and personal injury litigation, Kathryn joined Englander Fischer’s litigation team and practices primarily in commercial litigation, real estate litigation, and creditor’s debt collection.
Business Phone Number
Starlett Massey
Business Name
Massey Law Group, P.A.
Starlett Massey is the founding shareholder of Massey Law Group, a woman-owned law firm founded upon the principles of fairness, equality, and transparency. She focuses her practice on corporate structure, business, transactions, commercial litigation, and commercial and residential real estate litigation.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(813) 868-5601