Join PFAWL today
We are thrilled that you are interested in becoming a PFAWL member! You can join by signing up through FAWL where you will be prompted to choose a chapter after paying online. Click below to get started!
Attorney: $85.00 annually
Judiciary: $60.00 annually
Law Student: $30.00 annually
**Sign Up Through FAWLRequired**
Click "Join Now"
What’s included in your PFAWL membership dues?
Membership dues include the costs of PFAWL and FAWL membership, monthly socials, special events, and reduced rates for other events and CLEs.
Why Join PFAWL?
Join our network of professional men and women who engage in promoting the advancement of women in the legal profession.
Would you like to speak with a PFAWL member or Board member to learn more? Please complete the form below and someone will contact you! We would be happy to meet for breakfast, coffee, or happy hour, and learn more about you!